Transferring KOGs

You can transfer KOGs and KOGs Packs to another wallet.

Before you start

Make sure that you have the correct WAX wallet address (wallet address is case-sensitive). Once an NFT has been sent, there is no way to cancel or reverse the transaction.


Here are the steps:

  1. Go to and log-in using your wallet.
  2. Click on the options menu beside your profile.


  3. Click on "Inventory".


  4. Choose the item that you want to transfer. Click on more options, then click "Transfer.


  5. Enter the recipient's WAX account name.
  6. Enter a memo or you can leave this blank.


  7. Click "Send NFT Transfer"
  8. Confirm the transaction.


You can send multiple KOGs or packs to one recipient at the same time. Here's how:

  1. In your inventory, select the items that you want to send. 
  2. Click "Transfer" from the options.


  3. Enter the recipient's WAX account name.
  4. Enter a memo or you can leave this blank.


  5. Click "Send NFT Transfer"
  6. Confirm the transaction.
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