Quest - Match


Element charts – shows which element is strong or weak against another.(E.g. Leaf is strong against water but weak against fire)

Completion – reach the required score to get a star

Monster element – shows what the current monster element is. Take advantage of this by checking with the Element charts to see which elements they are most vulnerable to.

Monster hp – each 3 match will cause damage to the monster. Reduce the hp to eliminate the monster

Hero element – shows what the current hero element is. Take advantage of this by checking with the Element charts on which element they are strong against

Hero hp bar – shows how much hp the hero has left, running out of hp means that hero will be eliminated from the match

Skill bar – Fills up whenever matches are made of the same element as the hero. Once completely filled you can unleash the hero’s ultimate skill by touching their hero's portrait

Settings – allows you to use powerups (adding more moves) or quit the current match


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